Keep Your Home at the Perfect Temperature Year-Round

Get professional HVAC services in Highland, Poughkeepsie, NY & surrounding areas

Is Your HVAC Unit Making Strange Noises?

Arrange for HVAC services in Highland, Poughkeepsie, NY & surrounding areas to get it repaired ASAP

Don't try to fix a faulty HVAC unit yourself - leave HVAC repairs to the professionals. Ulster Energy offers HVAC services in Highland, Poughkeepsie, NY & surrounding areas. Our HVAC company will do whatever it takes to get your unit back up and running.

Contact us today to schedule HVAC services.

Providing the services you need

Heating and cooling issues? You can count on us for:

We recommend setting up a service contract for your home or business. With a service contract, you'll be able to rely on our speedy services when you need emergency repairs or fuel delivery services. Reach out to us today to learn more.

3 reasons to choose Ulster Energy for all your HVAC needs

Are you struggling to find an HVAC company you can rely on? Here are three reasons why you should choose us for the HVAC services you need:

  • We have over 15 years of experience in the HVAC industry
  • Our team will treat you like family
  • We offer free, no-obligation estimates

Call us at 845-883-0709 today to schedule HVAC services in Poughkeepsie or Highland, NY.